Kate Holcomb Hale

If something inflatable came in a hole

what would it look like?

If something inflatable came in a hole

what would it look like

cotton, acrylic paint, insulation foam

72 x 55 x 29 inches


Melissa Blackall Photography

The kitchen table is central to my home and the home I grew up in. It is the site of much of the invisible labor that occurs within the domestic sphere: feeding, paying of bills, fielding emails, making phone calls, hosting challenging discussions, the overseeing of homework and the mental load associated with caregiving in general. My children learned to speak, eat, develop and mature around the kitchen table. Its surface is scratched, encrusted, splattered, dented and worn from all the life that has taken place in relation to it. Its surface is embedded with the traces of care work. I’ve created slipcovers of my kitchen table as placeholders/structures for gesture and paint. Within their folds, marks and material meld together to evoke urgency and spontaneity and denote each interruption that naturally occurs throughout any given day.

Melissa Blackall Photography

Dan Watkins Photography